Wednesday, September 1, 2021


 First hour was taken by Maya miss.

Today Maya miss shared some quotes by budha. Then miss taught about Budhism. Budhism can be considered as religion as well as philosophy. Budhism has a well defined founder and organized religion 

Second hour taken by Giby miss. Miss taught about methods/techniques to enhance memory.

How to Enhance Memory?

1) Whole verses Part - Divide the whole portion into parts. One part contain a single concept. children up-to twelve years of age showed better result with the ‘sectional method’ than with the ‘entire method’ except in memorizing those poems

Sometimes we need to give a whole outlook of the concept, then after divide it further. The ‘entire method’ has been found to be superior to the ‘sectional method’ in adults

2) Spaced verses unspaced - Learn different subject interchangedly. This helps brain to register the subjects easier. Take a break during studies. Spaced learning yields better result for permanent memory. Un-spaced learning is good for immediate memory. Continuous cramming may be helpful for immediate memory. But it cannot be useful for permanent memory. Spaced learning fixes the matter more durably.

3) Adistributed/Massive Verses Distributed

Give a break during study. Learning, Excercise, Recreation and Relaxation are doing interchangedly.

4) Association technique

Similar things are connected and learned this connectivity help to remember things.

Association Technique connects the items or ideas we want to remember to one visual theme.

5) Grouping technique

Chunking refers to the process of taking individual pieces of information and grouping them into larger units. By grouping each data point into a larger whole, you can improve the amount of information you can remember. Probably the most common example of chunking occurs in phone numbers

Group things to remember it

For example phone number 9 44 66 77 33 9

A mnemonic is a tool that helps us remember certain facts or large amounts of information. They can come in the form of a song, rhyme, acronym, image, phrase, or sentence. Mnemonics help us remember facts and are particularly useful when the order of things is important.

6) Rhythemic learning- Giving a particular rhythm. Using rhythmic and musical mnemonics in any classroom provides an attractive and innovative

alternative instructional and learning strategy.

“when two vowels go a walkin’, the first one does the talkin”


7) Recitation- Facts or Concepts that should be remebered are structured in the form of poem. Eg: "Thirty days hath September, April, June and November… "

8) Multisensory method: Multiple senses are used for learning. This enhance learning activity as well as memory.

Using multiple senses to process information can help with working memory and long-term memory.

9) Ordering or Sequencing: Ordering and sequencing makes thing easy to recollect.

The made-up name “Roy G. Biv” can help kids remember the order of the colors in the rainbow — red, orange, yellow, and so on.

10) Funnel approach- Vast topic area is simplified and learned without loosing its essence. Eg: UGC

A funnel is wide at the top, narrow at the bottom. It's an apt metaphor for an effective learning approach, that is, from general to specific.

The funnel approach helps students recall or retrieve information more effectively.

11) Acronyms: Acronyms are words made up of the first letters of other words. As a mnemonic device, acronyms help you remember the first letters of items in a list, which in turn helps you remember the list itself.

INC- women presidents code

ആ സാരി നല്ലത് ഈ സോണിയയ്ക്ക്

ആ- ആനി ബസൻറ്

സാരി-സരോജിനി നായിഡു


ഈ - ഇന്ദിരാഗാന്ധി

സോണിയക്ക് -സോണിയ ഗാന്ധി

All of the cranial bones: Old People From Texas Eat Sandwiches (Occipital, Parietal, Frontal, Temporal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid)

12)Visualisation Techniques: Visualization is particularly effective for memorizing systems, cycles and processes. Visualization allows you to create a vivid meaningful and memorable story that allows you to recall information.

13)Associating with places: Particular place is used to remember about something. Eg: When you see a zoo remember the features of Ex-situ conservation. When you see a National park remember the features of Insitu conservation.

What are the educational implications?

😊Develop will to learn

😀Adopt multisensory methods

😁Follow maxims of teaching

😁Repetition Overlearning Drill Excercise

😁Repetition and practice should enhance memory.

Forgetting: Failure in memorising things.

Inability to recall, remember, things

Third hour was taken by Joju Sir. Discussed about cognitive domain of blooms taxonomy.



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