Today first hour was taken by Giby miss. Gibi miss taught about FORGETTING
It is the failure or inability to rememeber or recall things temporarily or permanently this termed as forgetting.
Inability to retrive information that we have already learned.
Causes of forgetting
Natural Forgetting
If it is of no use we forget things.
Because of disuse we forget things
Abnormal forgetting
Causes of forgetting
😊Interference of new learning
😊Lack of interest/motivation.
😊Lack of proper relaxation
😊Lack of registration
😊Inadequate impressions
😊Health issues.
😊Emotional disturbances.
😊Due to stress, anxitey
😊Lack of mindfullness.
😊Lack of practice
Second hour was Optional.
The term Curriculum derived from Currere is the Latin verb meaning “to run” in the way a current runs or flows. Curriculum is a noun that springs from this root and means “a running, course, career”.
Specifications are immediate feedbacks. Specifications comes under objectives. What we conveyed is reflected in the students and we get to know whether the objectives are satisfied through checking its specifications reflected by the students.
Recall and recognition are specification of objective Knowledge.
Definition of curriculum by cunningham
" Curriculum is a tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mould his material (pupils) according to his ideals (aims and objectives) in his studio (school). The material is highly self-active and respond consciously"
Curriculum that takes into account the four pillars defined as the foundations of education in the Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century.
Namely: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be.
Four pillars of curriculum
Learning to know - ability
Learning to do - activity
Learning to live together- acceptability
Learning to be- self awareness
Principles of curriculum
😊Child centerdness👉
Child centered teaching techniques and activity oriented methods should be adopted. Curriculum should satisfy the requirements, needs of the student.
☺Conservative principle 👉
Curriculum should conserve and transmit the traditions, moral, social values and culture of human race.
😀Creative principle 👉
The curriculum should develop the creative powers of the child so that he/she becomes a contributory members of
Activities should be included which enable the child to exercise his creative and constructive Power. Objective of the education is to discover and to develop special interest, tastes, and aptitudes.
😁Preparation for life👉
Curriculum should create a socially responsible individual. A good human being. Aid him to earn the livelihood sufficiently and adjust with society efficiently. Cater him to meet the challenges of life in future.
😃Forward looking principle👉
Curriculum prepare child for effective adult life. Curriculum should provide vocational education. The curriculum should also include knowledge, skills, experience, influences etc, which will develop in the child ability and power to make effective adjustment in the later life.
Children of today are the future citizens of tomorrow. Education should given them a foundation of knowledge, feeling and that will enable them to change the environment where change is needed.
😄Activity centered👉
Curriculum should contain both mental and physical activities. Emphasis should be given to learning by doing through the activities of hand, head and heart. It should provide constructive, creative, and project activities.
Thought in terms of activity and experience, rather than of knowledge to be acquired. Growth and learning take place where there is activity. He Need Experience more than Instruction. Curriculum must ensure the activity of Body and Mind.
😉Principle of integration 👉
Integrated with previous knowledge. Integrated with child needs, activities, subject knowledge, co-curricular activities and needs of existing society.
😁Principle of utility👉
Curriculum should include those subjects,
activities experiences which are useful to the present life as well as the future life of the children.The curriculum must have practical utility for students so there should be some provision for technical and vocational education in curriculum
😀Principle of comprehensiveness👉
The curriculum should be comprehensive to cater to the needs and total development of the child.Curriculum should be framed in such a way as a every aspect of life, i.e ecnomic relationship, social activities, occupations and spiritual life, is given due emphasis.
😄Principle of community centeredness👉
child’s development and growth is the main consideration of curriculum, yet his social behaviour is also to be suitably developed, both individual development of
the child and his social development desire equal attention. The values, attitude and skills that are presenting in the community must be reflected in the curriculum.The community needs and characteristics should be kept in view while framing the curriculum.
☺Principle of totality of experiences👉
Curriculum should include the both the literacy and academic subjects as well as the sum total of varied human experiences which a child receives in the school campus in the classrooms, on the playing fields, in the libraries and laboratories and through the various informal contacts with the teachers and other educationists.
The curriculum should be suited to the mental and physical development of the pupil.Adapted to the grade of pupils and to their stage of mental and Physical development in the early childhood.
Intrinsic motivation is needed for a child to learn effectively. Interest and motivation will be developed of the child finds that the subjects in the curriculum will satisfy it. Therefore curriculum should be goal directed.
😁Principle of Individual Differences 👉Individual differ in Taste, Temperature, Skill, Experience, Aptitude, Innate ability and in intelligence. So curriculum should be adapted to individual differences. It should not be rigid.
Should not be rigid but should be flexible to suit the changing needs of the people and the society. These should be precious to meet the needs of pupil with different taste, skills and intelligence. Broad based.
Curriculum should maintain proper balance between the direct and indirect experiences.Balance between subject and activities between academic and vocational education, between compulsory and optional subjects, between formal and informal education, between individual and social aims of education etc.,
😊Principle of Leisure 👉 The curriculum should prepare the child for the use of leisure time. eg : Music, sports , fine arts , etc., If leisure spent in wrong way , its not only affects the individual but also nation as a whole. So curriculum prepare individual to use effectively their leisure time.
😊Principle of all-round Development👉
All kinds of experience should provide to the students so that they may develop their powers.
☺Principle of Democracy👉
Secularism and Socialism •Curriculum should be such as it trains the child to imbibe ideal and values of democratic, secular and socialist state.
😊Principle of Character Building 👉Provide those activities and experiences which promote human and social values Provision for a number of co-curricular activities.
😀Principle of Dignity of Labour👉
Make provision for socially useful productive work .The student should be provided opportunities to learn from the use of hands
Hidden curriculum refers to the unwritten unofficial and often unintended lessons values and perspectives that students learn in school.
Unwritten, Unofficial, Unintended lessons, Unspoken cultural and social messages that are communicated to students while conveying that topic.
The hidden curriculum described as hidden because it is usually unacknowleged or unexamined by students, educators and
the wider community.
Then after Mayamiss took the third hour.Taught remaining portions of Buddhism.